Why does interpreter flub

Steve Holden steve at holdenweb.com
Tue Mar 1 15:21:26 EST 2005

syed_saqib_ali at yahoo.com wrote:
> I have a file named testPython.py as shown below.
> I have shown a trace of the Interpreter Session in which I import the
> modules from this file using the command:
> "from testPython import *"
> When I do this, and modify a global variable from within a function, it
> seems that the interpreter is unaware of the updated value!  See Trace
> #1 to see what I'm talking about. I don't understand why. Could
> somebody please supply a coherent explanation??
> However, when I use the "import testPython" command instead, it seems
> to work as I would expect. (See Trace #2). Why the difference??
The interpreter hasn't flubbed, you have :-)
> ==================START OF FILE==================
> #!C:\python21\python.exe -u -d
> x = 10

This establishes a binding of the value 10 tot he name x within module 

> def main():
> 	global x
> 	print "In Main"
> 	x = 12
This prints a string and then rebinds the name testPython.x to the value 12.

> def printX():
> 	print x

This prints the current value of testPython.x.

> if __name__ == "__main__":
> 	main()
> ================== END OF FILE ==================
Overall, therefore, when imported or executed, the module binds the 
*module-global* name x to the value 10, the name main to one function 
and the name printX to a second. If it's being executed the module then 
calls the main() function.

> ==================START OF TRACE 1==================
> Python 2.1 (#15, Apr 16 2001, 18:25:49) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>>from testPython import *

This statement imports all names, with their current bindings, from the 
testPython module into the module running in the interactive interpreter 
(which is by definition "__main__").

> 10
This call to main rebinds testPython.x to the value 12.

> In Main
This call to printX prints the current value of testPython.x

> 12
This prints the (repr of) __main__.x

> 10
> ================== END OF TRACE 1 ==================
> ==================START OF TRACE 2==================
> Python 2.1 (#15, Apr 16 2001, 18:25:49) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>>import testPython
> 10
> In Main
> 12
> 12
> ================== END OF TRACE 2 ==================
In your second example you are explicitly referring to the x from the 
namespace of the testPython module. In your first you are referring to 
the x from the __main__ module namespace.

from module import name

does not cause two names to be associated wight the same binding. It 
copies the current binding from one namespace into the importing 
namespace. The two bindings are thereafter independent, so changing the 
binding of testPython.x makes no difference to __main__.x.

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