[ANNOUNCE] PyKota v1.22 is out !
Jerome Alet
alet at unice.fr
Mon May 9 08:13:41 EDT 2005
I'm pleased to announce the availability of PyKota v1.22 Final.
PyKota is a 100% Python written Print Quota and Accounting solution for
CUPS and LPRng, published under the terms of the GNU General Public
License of the Free Software Foundation, and is available from :
PyKota's original distribution method consists in providing Official
tarballs, DEB and RPM packages for a yearly fee of 20 US$ (minimum), while
letting everyone download Unofficial versions of this software free of
charge by using Subversion (aka svn).
Free subscriptions to Official packages and complete paper documentation
are now included for people who prefer to purchase a technical support
Finally, single Official packages (without subscription for new releases),
can now be purchased directly and anonymously for a one time 9.99 US$ fee.
This release is a minor update, and no database changes are necessary if
you already use 1.21, so installing it should be really easy.
List of changes since 1.21 :
- Introduction of the web-enabled print quote generator :
Install it on a web server, and people will be allowed to remotely
know in advance how much a print job will cost to them.
- The job's billing code, if present, is now saved into the
database, and can serve as a filter for both the standalone
data dumper, and the web-enabled print quota monitor and data
dumper. Provided your printer driver allows you to enter this
code, you'll now be able to produce invoices based on its value.
This billing code is also made available to your pre and post hooks
through an additionnal environment variable.
- Printer's internal page counter retrieval was greatly improved
with regard to both power saving mode and buggy printers.
- The integrated banner generator now allows the admin to put
additionnal informations dynamically onto the banner pages.
- Diagnostic messages were greatly improved when something went
wrong at startup time.
- Portability was improved wrt LDAP.
- Several stability improvements and bug fixes.
- Greatly improved documentation.
The full list of changes is available from :
Thank you for reading !
Jerome Alet
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