Py2Exe security

Simon Brunning simon.brunning at
Tue May 3 08:19:57 EDT 2005

On 3 May 2005 05:03:00 -0700, Terje Johan Abrahamsen <terjeja at> wrote:
> We have created some programs in Python that are to be distributed
> around. The programs will be made into .exe files by py2exe. However,
> in the source there are certain webadresses, logins and passwords that
> the programs use, that we would like to keep away from the end users.
> They will use them thru the program, but we would like them not to be
> extracted and used separately for other purposes.

If your program can access these details, then a suficiently
determined attacker can access them too, regardless of what you do.

Simon B,
simon at,

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