install python 2.4.1

vincent wehren vincent at
Sun May 22 07:03:00 EDT 2005

<ajikoe at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:1116758705.327764.33740 at
| hi,
| I use python 2.4 and
| I would like to install python 2.4.1. Is it necessary to uninstall the
| first version or just install 2.4.1?

What platform? If you're on Windows and are using the msi-Installer, 
uninstalling is recommended.
It will also work without uninstalling, but IIRC, Windows Installer will 
zealously inspect the file version
of each individual file down the Python24 tree to detect necessary disk 
space and so forth, which can take quite some time.

| Does it effect pydef (eclipse editor) or komodo ide ?

Don't know..

Vincent Wehren

| pujo

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