gtk/qt scintilla help !
fabienhenon_nospam_ at
Mon May 2 05:06:12 EDT 2005
Neil Hodgson wrote:
> Fabien:
>>There is a lexPOV.cxx file in the package, but I can not find any POV
>>keywords in any file ( there are about 150 POV keywords). Did i miss it,
>>and if not, how do I create one and include it for the library building ?
> The Scintilla web site, documentation and mailing list are:
> Keyword lists are often very large as it is frequently desired to
> highlight all the identifiers in an API. The Win32 API is around 10
> megabytes in SciTE .api format.
> The SciTE editor is shipped with some keyword lists, including some
> for POV in the file.
Yes I saw that file, but as far as I know, it is used by and only by
SciTE. I thought at first that I could use it for pygtkScintilla.
> To set keywords, call SCI_SETKEYWORDS as described on the
> documentation page.
That is going to be tough, I do not know anything about C. It is going
to be easier if I could find a file with a syntax close to that of POV
and replace of the keywords found in it with POV keywords ,and the compile.
> I do not personally use the Qt or PygtkScintilla wrappers for
> Scintilla.
Thanks for the reply and the links
> Neil
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