about sort and dictionary
bonono at gmail.com
bonono at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 18:03:29 EST 2005
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> There are four possibilities for a construction like list.sort():
> (1) sort the list in place and return a reference to the same list;
> (2) sort the list in place and return a copy of the same list;
> (3) sort the list in place and return None;
> (4) don't sort in place and return a sorted list.
> No solution is always right, no solution is always wrong, but the most
> flexible is a combination of (3) and (4). Python now has that with sort()
> and sorted(). Prior to the addition of sorted() to the language, (3) was
> considered the best solution because of a simple Python principle: never
> duplicate objects unless explicitly told to.
I don't see the reason that (3) and (4) are the most flexible.
Again, "never duplicate objects unless explicitly told to" combined
with "=" is name binding gives me a very strong message that
list.sort() it will change things in place and which is why it is quite
natural(for me at least)
for this language. Wether it is "best" or make more sense doesn't
really matter to me, though I am curious to know why.
But basically, I just use the language as it is, and the way I want to.
So long it solves my problem and gives me the result I want.
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