newbie questions

john boy xray_alpha_charlie at
Sun Nov 6 01:02:17 EST 2005

have a few questions...i'm a i'd appreciate any help
1- what is the difference between Python GUI and Python command line?
2-in Python command line when I hit enter after typing a command I cannot go back and "delete" "backspace" or otherwise edit a previous command...why?
3-I have tried the following example from "how to think like a computer scientist"
def makeline():
print "firstline"
print "secondline"
problem is....whenever I type -print "firstline"- and then hit enter...well it follows the command and gives "firstline"
print "firstline"
instead of giving me a chance to type in -makeline()-  
and thus completing the example
Anybody help here?? thanks -xray-

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