about widget construction kit
Fredrik Lundh
fredrik at pythonware.com
Fri Nov 11 17:23:34 EST 2005
Shi Mu wrote:
> > > I tried to install WCK(Widget Construction Kit (WCK)):
> > >
> > > C:\Python23>python tkinter3000-1.0-20031212\setup.py install
> > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > > File "tkinter3000-1.0-20031212\setup.py", line 23, in ?
> > > WCK_VERSION = setuplib.find_version("WCK/__init__.py")
> > > File "C:\wget2\tkinter3000-1.0-20031212\setuplib.py", line 74, in find_version
> > > for line in open(filename).readlines():
> > > IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'WCK/__init__.py'
> > >
> > > I checked my files and found there is a __init__.py and got confused
> > > why the error came out?
> >
> > if you're using windows, please use a prebuilt version of the WCK.
> >
> > I also recommend using the 1.1b1 release; it's a lot better than 1.0.
> >
> > if you really want to build it yourself, and you have the right compilers
> > and all Tcl/Tk build files in the right places, change to the source directory
> > before running the setup script.
> if I run python command, I need to go
> to the directory where python is installed, so how can I change to the
> source directory at the same time?
you're 100% sure that you have a working compiler and the right Tcl/Tk
build files in the right place, but you don't know how to run an executable
from another directory?
here are three ways:
1. pass in the full path to the executable:
cd tkinter3000-1.0-20031212
c:\python23\python setup.py install
2. add the python installation directory to the path. random
google link:
when you've updated the environment, open up a new command
window, and do
cd tkinter3000-1.0-20031212
python setup.py install
3. if you used a python.org installer, it's likely that you can run
the setup.py file directly:
cd tkinter3000-1.0-20031212
setup.py install
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