defining the behavior of zip(it, it) (WAS: Converting a flat list...)
bonono at
bonono at
Wed Nov 23 01:28:19 EST 2005
Steven Bethard wrote:
> rhettinger at wrote:
> >> > ii. The other problem is easier to explain by example.
> >> > Let it=iter([1,2,3,4]).
> >> > What is the result of zip(*[it]*2)?
> >> > The current answer is: [(1,2),(3,4)],
> >> > but it is impossible to determine this from the docs,
> >> > which would allow [(1,3),(2,4)] instead (or indeed
> >> > other possibilities).
> >> > """
> >> > IMO left->right is useful enough to warrant making it defined
> >> > behaviour
> >>
> >>And in fact, it is defined behavior for itertools.izip() [1].
> >>
> >>I don't see why it's such a big deal to make it defined behavior for
> >>zip() too.
> >
> >
> > IIRC, this was discussednd rejected in an SF bug report. It should not
> > be a defined behavior for severals reasons:
> [snip arguments about how confusing zip(it, it) is]
> > Overall, I think anyone using zip(it,it) is living in a state of sin,
> > drawn to the tempations of one-liners and premature optimization. They
> > are forsaking obvious code in favor of screwy special cases. The
> > behavior has been left undefined for a reason.
> Then why document itertools.izip() as it is? The documentation there is
> explicit enough to know that izip(it, it) will work as intended. Should
> we make the documentation there less explicit to discourage people from
> using the izip(it, it) idiom?
That to me is also a slip but does demonstrate that it is easy for
people to be drawn into this "sin", including those people responsible
for the formal documentation, or those behind the implementation.
But technically speaking, you are still referring to the implementation
detail of izip(), not the functionality of izip().
I do now agree with another poster that the documentation of both zip
and izip should state clear that the order of picking from which
iterable is undefined or can be changed from implementation to
implementation, to avoid this kind of temptation.
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