improving pypi / setuptools

Chris Lambacher chris at
Wed Nov 30 13:06:16 EST 2005

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 11:49:14AM +0100, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Alia Khouri wrote:
> > What ideas do people out there have for making the installation of
> > python module more reliable?
> judging from the support load it's causing me these days, setuptools is a
> piece of utter crap.  if you want to make things reliable, don't use it.
setuptools is still alpha.  Give it another 6months to a year and you will
wonder how we ever got along without it.

> (if the various "rails" cloners want people to use their stuff, it would be a
> lot better is they shipped complete and well-tested source code kits, and
> left the packaging to the huge crowd of nice, friendly, and competent
> downstream packagers that exist for all major platforms these days.  the
Which downstream packager exists for Windows, or is Windows not a major
platform anymore?  Besides many useful modules are not important enough to be
picked up by packagers for some distributions.  For instance, Gentoo does not
have RuleDispatch.
> downstream folks know what they're doing, and the tools they're using
> happens to work.  both for the maintainers and for the users.)
> </F>
> -- 

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