Why are there no ordered dictionaries?
bonono at gmail.com
bonono at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 06:13:47 EST 2005
Christoph Zwerschke wrote:
> Bengt Richter schrieb:
> > Ok, so if not in the standard library, what is the problem? Can't find what
> > you want with google and PyPI etc.? Or haven't really settled on what your
> > _requirements_ are? That seems to be the primary problem people who complain
> > with "why no sprollificator mode?" questions.
> What I don't understand is why legitimate questions such as "why are
> there no ordered dictionaries" are immediately interpreted as
> *complaints* and not just as questions. If I ask such a question, I am
> not complaining but trying to simply figure out *why* there is no such
> thing. Probably there are reasons and all I want to know is find these
> reasons and learn a little bit more about Python in doing so.
> Why can't such questions be discussed in a factual, calm and friendly way?
Using "why can't" is already too much. Even you turn it into "is there
a thing for ordered dict", you would get similar treatment
Get used to it :-)
> > They don't know what they really mean when it comes down to a DYFR
> > (Define Your Felicitous Requirements) challenge.
> I don't think that this was true in this case, and even if this is the
> outcome, those who asked the question will have learned something.
> I think a discussion group is not there for only presenting mature,
> sophisticated thoughts and concepts, but also for "thinking loud"
> together with other about these issues. We all know that clarifying our
> thoughts works often best if you discuss them with others. And I think
> that's one purpose of discussion lists. Asking questions should not be
> immediately be discouraged, even silly questions. If it is really a FAQ,
> you can simply point to the FAQ or add the answer in the FAQ list if it
> is missing there.
Well, different groups has different "personality", just don't be
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