nesting for statements?
tpcolson at
tpcolson at
Mon Nov 28 09:27:05 EST 2005
Hi. Thanks for the tip. However, implementing that example, the script
will only generate the second output "file", (or it's overwriting the
first one), so all I get when run is "fileb".
# Import system modules
import sys, string, os, win32com.client
# Create the Geoprocessor object
from win32com.client import Dispatch
gp = Dispatch("esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1")
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Iterate 2 thru 4 in increments of 2 for DEF
# Name the "2" dem "outa" and the "4" dem "outb"
sor = 2 # start of range
eor = 4 # end of range
filenames = ['file' + chr((x-sor) + ord('a')) for x in range(sor, eor)]
for x in range(sor, eor):
Out_Dem = filenames[x - sor]
# Process: Topo to Raster...
gp.TopoToRaster_sa("C:\\temp\\test.shp Z PointElevation",
"C:\\temp\\"+Out_Dem, # Variable for name of
output raster. This should increment name of output based on the for
"5", # Output raster cell size: each pixel is 5
feet by 5 feet
"2103763.27 813746.12 2111850.32 822518.65",
#extent of raster borders, SPF, NC, NAD83
"20", # #Grid Margin
"", #Smallest z value to be used in
interpolation (optional)
"", #Largest z value to be used in interpolation
"NO_ENFORCE", #Drainage option
"SPOT", #Spot data option
"40", #Maximum number of iterations (optional)
"", #Roughness penalty (optional)
"0" #Discretisation error factor: This should
increment DEF based on the for statement
"0", #Vertical standard error (optional)
"", #Tolerance 1 (optional)
"" #Tolerance 2 (optional)
print gp.GetMessages()
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