NTFS reparse points

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Thu Nov 3 09:51:53 EST 2005

Stanislaw Findeisen wrote:

> (2) Does anybody have any idea (sample code?) on how to create a reparse 
> point (the simpler, the better) using Python?

The only sample code I've seen for creating reparse points is in c or c++ 
and its quite a messy operation. See 
http://www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/Junction.html for some sample code.

The easy way to do it from Python is just to make sure you have a program 
such as junction on your system then use os.system('junction "%s" "%s"' % 
(directory, target))

Be careful if you start creating junctions: Windows explorer doesn't 
understand them: if you try to delete a folder which is actually a junction 
it first deletes all the files inside the folder so the original folder 
ends up empty as well.

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