Xah's edu corner: the Journey of Foreign Characters thru Internet
bonono at gmail.com
bonono at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 12:35:23 EST 2005
I should not response here but just to show what would be the
consequence. If you send me a private mail instead of posting here,
there would be two less post for this thread, and if I didn't post, it
would be three less.
That is, only response privately to people responding to a troll would
reduce the length of it, much more effective that what I have seen.
this would be my last post about this subject.
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> bonono at gmail.com wrote:
> > And if anyone wants to take the responsibiblity to warn the general
> > public that it is troll so innocent readers may not be tempted into
> > one, at least do it privately
> huh?
> </F>
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