Most efficient way of storing 1024*1024 bits

Alex Stapleton alexs at
Thu Nov 3 09:04:12 EST 2005

On 3 Nov 2005, at 05:03, Alex Martelli wrote:

> Brandon K <prince_amir86 at> wrote [inverting his topposting!]:
>>> Six megabytes is pretty much nothing on a modern computer.
>> BTW, it'd be 6 megabits or 750kb ;)
> ...but Mike was proposing using one digit per bit, hence, 6 megabytes.
> That makes it easy to search for bitpatterns with re or  
> string.find; if
> the bits were packed 8 to a byte, such searches would be very hard.

They would just require some out-of-the-box thinking using character  
arrays and stuff I think. It's definately still doable with regex's  
if you really want to.

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