High Order Messages in Python

Sam Pointon free.condiments at gmail.com
Sat Oct 22 18:35:41 EDT 2005

This can be suitably applied to Python with the use of Higher Order
Functions, though. It's not quite the Ruby version because Python
allows you to use functions as first-class objects, complicating the
All-You-Can-Do-Is-Pass-A-Message philosophy. This is my 5-minute

class HigherOrderList(list):

    def do(self, func):
        return HigherOrderList(each(self, func))

    def where(self, pred):
        return HigherOrderList(mass_test(self, pred))

def mass_test(iterable, pred):
    for item in iterable:
        if pred(item):
            yield item

def each(iterable, method):
    for item in iterable:
        yield method(item)

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