Microsoft Hatred FAQ

Michael Heiming michael+USENET at
Sun Oct 16 07:14:29 EDT 2005

In comp.os.linux.misc Steven D'Aprano <steve at>:
> On Sun, 16 Oct 2005 11:49:58 +0200, Jeroen Wenting wrote:

>> My point is that Microsoft made computers that were more than glorified 
>> gaming consoles affordable for the common man.

> Microsoft has never made a computer in its existence. Not one. They are a

One should be lucky.

> software company. The only hardware they sell are keyboards and mice.

>> They are the ones who lowered the price of shrinkwrapped software for home 
>> and office application from thousands or tens of thousands to hundreds of 
>> dollars.

> Yeah, if you ignore Apple, Wordperfect, Adobe, Aldus, Wordstar, and dozens
> of other software suppliers.

> Is it possible for you to get your arguments even more wrong? What's next?
> Microsoft invented the transistor?

Let's not forget about the Internet, they invented together with
Al Gore and of course the wheel!

Honestly, for anyone serious, there are "The Halloween
Documents", which should give enough information about FUD...

At least, a nice troll bait the OP launched, even if obvious
enough, extensive cross-posting and "Microsoft" right in the
subject. ;-)

Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo zvpunry at urvzvat.qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 390: Increased sunspot activity.

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