searching python/gui developper in germany

Hans Georg Krauthaeuser hgk at
Thu Oct 13 02:23:55 EDT 2005

malv schrieb:
> Hans Georg Krauthaeuser wrote:
>>Dear all,
>>for the measurements in our labs we have developed python scripts that
>>are pretty fine for our needs. Basically, we have classes and call the
>>appropriate methods from the command line (or by other scripts). So, we
>>don't have any GUI.
>>Now, an external customer want to use our software and -- as you can
>>imagine -- we want a pretty GUI.
>>So, we are looking for someone who can develop such a pretty GUI for us
>>(of course for money). OS is Windows (XP). We are not fixed to a special
>>toolkit -- it just should look nice and do the job.
>>Best would be someone from our region (Magdeburg, Germany).
>>If someone is interested: contact me by email, please.
>>Best regards
>>Hans Georg Krauthaeuser
> If you run SuSE9.3 or SuSE 10.0, everything is there. Simply install
> eric or eric3.
> There is also a great gui design utility in the installation.
> You'll be going in no time.
> malv
Sorry for the question, but... Is this a bot?

If not, just as a clearification: We are NOT looking for an IDE or an
GUI tool. I'm sure, I can build a GUI, with eric3 or an other tool. I
simply have not the time. So, we are looking for a person do do the job
for us.

Hans Georg

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