PyEphem on winXP
vincent wehren
vincent at
Thu Sep 22 02:39:36 EDT 2005
<jbattat at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:1127337234.547710.160890 at
| Hi,
| I'm a (sort of) newbie to python and would like to install the PyEphem
| extension to Python. I'm using Python 2.4
| I obtained PyEphem from:
| When i ran python install my error was:
| "error: Python was built with version 7.1 of Visual Studio, and
| extensions need to be built with the same version of the compiler, but
| it isn't installed"
| Browsing this group led me to the following URL where I could get (for
| free) the Visual C++ Toolkit 2003:
| However I still see the same error when running
| python install.
| I know that Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 is the same as version 7.1, but is
| this the same as Visual Studio 7.1?
It should work.
Did you follow the instructions as per ?
I've had success using that approach...
Vincent Wehren
| If so, can Visual Studio 7.1 be obtained for free?
| If not, is there a workaround?
| I've seen suggestions in the group that you can recompile Python 2.4
| using MinGW or some other c compiler. I'd be willing to do that, but
| do not know how to go about recompiling python. Advice on this would
| also be helpful.
| Thanks,
| James
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