tutorials/basic (Re: learning python)
adDoc's networker Phil
dr.addn at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 09:10:58 EDT 2005
. on-line tutorials?
hundreds of e-books sorted by subtopic
-- Python Newbies should visit our Python411 Podcast Series Page
-- Python for Mobile Devices
Table of Contents [rearranged]
*Beginners (12+) [and the *Grimoire*
-- How to Perform Common Programming Tasks]
*Testing, Test Driven Programming and Unit Test (3)*
[ beginner`s topic#1: platform choice ]:
*Editors and IDE's (7)*
*Jython (8)* [python -> bytecode for java`s virtual machine]
*Mac and Apple (13)*
*Reference (10)*
*Beginners (12+) [and the *Grimoire*
-- How to Perform Common Programming Tasks]
Python Grimoire
The Grimoire is different and deserves a category unto itself
. It is a book of magic spells and incantations,
or How to Perform Common Programming Tasks in Python.
Alan Gauld's "Learning to Program"
Start here if you a complete newbie to programming
Joe Useless Writes a Program
It doesn't get any easier than this ;-)))
Batteries Included
Useless Python's Short Tutorial on Modules
Josh Cogliatti's Tutorial
A great tutorial for newbie's to start with!
What to do on day one
using the built-in IDLE IDE
including translations into several languages
The What, Why, Who, and Where of Python
by Aaron Watters
Python, Anyone?
by Robert Richardson
Python for Newbies
David Borowitz
General Python Tutorial from TechWarehouse
<http://www.techiwarehouse.com/Python/Python_Tutorial.html> by David Mertz
Python 101 -- Beginning Python by Dave Kuhlman
Python for Fun
an Exellent collection of small Python programs for learning
HowTo: Python Programming in Gnumeric
Python Imaging Handbook and Tutorial
PIL Handbook from PythonWare
PyMedia Tutorial
PyMedia is a module for manipulating
wav, mp3, ogg, avi, divx, dvd, cdda and etc. files
Date and Time Usage for Python
Scripting OpenOffice with Python
MozPython, Python for Mozilla
GraphPath for analysing graph-structured data,especially RDF
Sorting with Python
by Andrew Dalke
Algorithm Education Using Python
*Testing, Test Driven Programming and Unit Test (3)*
De-Bugging Python, a Tutorial
Test Driven Development in Python
a Tutorial from O'Reilly's OnLamp Python Development Center added
December 7, 2004
Agile Testing
Articles and Tutorials
*Editors and IDE's (7)*
Eclipse Integratuion: Using Eclipse as an Editor for Python
Python Development with Eclipse and Ant
from IBM DeveloperWorks, an excellent tutorial added December 7, 2004
Python Development with Eclipse
a good tutorial with helpful screenshots
SPE Tutorial
a Tutorial about SPE, an IDE for Python added December 7, 2004
Tutorial about IDLE
Python and Emacs
Leo Tutorials
*Jython (8)* [python -> bytecode for java`s virtual machine]
Jython Tutorials, Parts One and Two
scroll down to click on pdf files:
Excellent! --added October 31, 2004
Advanced Server side Programming in Jython
Jython Tutorial Examples
Writing Threaded Applications in Jython
Jython and Swing
Useless Python's Short Tutorial on Jython and Swing
Jython Bibliography
Jython Webapp Tutorial
How to Make Java Servlets with Jython
*Mac and Apple (13)*
Using PyObjC for Developing Cocoa Applications with Python
MacPython Documentation
wxPython OS X Issues
scripting AppleScriptable Applications with Python
instead of with AppleScript;
very useful for Mac OS X users, added February 8, 2005
Introduction to PyObjC
PyObjC Tutorial
Start Cocoa with PyObjC
a pdf file from PyCon2005
Macintosh Library Modules
Intro to Using PyObjC
Overcoming Newbie Hurdles when using Xcode and Interface Builder
Setting Up Mac OSX to run Python CGI's
Using Core Data with Python
Unit Testing Objective-C with Python
*Reference (10)*
the Effbot Guide to the Python Standard Library
Language Notes on Python
Python Quick Reference
A Python online reference in several different formats, including clickable
Python Style Guide
by Guido van Rossum
Official Python Documentation
exhaustive documentation from the Python website
Python 2.3.4 Documentation
Python Infrequently Answered Questions
by Peter Norvig, not a Tutorial, not exactly documentation,
but an incredibly useful read...
Python "How-To's
Python Knowledge Base
an incredible database of answered questions
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in Python
American Dream Documents
"(real opportunity starts with real documentation)
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