check if a webpage is forwarding to a other webpage

garabik-news-2005-05 at garabik-news-2005-05 at
Tue Sep 6 10:27:18 EDT 2005

martijn at wrote:
> H!
> I'm busy with testing python and now i'm trying to check if a url makes
> a forward to a other location with the same content.
> So it will be possible to scan unique website's.
> I already made these checks:
> the html forward:
> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;">
> the header:
> Content-Location:
> the url - check:
> if '-':
> check if '' has not the same content as
> the problem:
> There are still website's forwarding to a other location with the same
> content but they overrule the 3 checks above.

there is also a simple Location: in header, as well as javascript
redirects (these are the most evil)

| Radovan GarabĂ­k |
| __..--^^^--..__    garabik @     |
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