Python-list Digest, Vol 24, Issue 451
Elke Hohls
elke.hohls at
Fri Sep 30 06:57:10 EDT 2005
Sorry, the last line is wrong:
PySDLXMLNodeType = PyMyType
..above the correction
// == PyMyExtention.c =================================================
typedef struct {
long lAttribute;
} PyMyObject;
static PyObject* PyMyObject_NewC (long lAttribute)
PyMyObject *self;
PyMyObject *type;
self = new PyMyObject
self->lAttribute = lAttribute;
return (PyObject*)self;
static PyMethodDef PyMyObject_methods[] = {
{"PyMyObject_NewC", (PyCFunction)PyMyObject_NewC, METH_NOARGS,
"Create PyMyObject_NewC from C-Code"},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
static PyTypeObject PyMyType = {
python-list-request at wrote:
> Send Python-list mailing list submissions to
> python-list at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> python-list-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> python-list-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Python-list digest..."
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Soap Question (WSDL) (Adriaan Renting)
> 2. Re: Will python never intend to support private, protected
> and public? (Gregor Horvath)
> 3. return (PyObject*)myPyType; ...segmentation fault! (elho)
> 4. Re: Self reordering list in Python (zooko)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: Soap Question (WSDL)
> From:
> "Adriaan Renting" <renting at>
> Date:
> Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:22:36 +0200
> To:
> <python-list at>
> To:
> <python-list at>
> You need the WSDL file if you want external probrams to be able to discover what WebService you are running, so it depends on your need if you need to use one. You can perfectly run a SOAP service without a WSDL file, using SOAPpy, only then external programs do not have a way to find out how to talk to you.
> A WSDL file just defines what messages, operations, urls etc. you accept/send/offer.
> If your external applications know how to talk to you, you can do without a WSDL file.
> It contains stuff like:
> <wsdl:message name="sayHelloResponse1">
> <wsdl:part name="sayHelloReturn" type="soapenc:string"/>
> </wsdl:message>
> ...
> <wsdl:operation name="sayHello">
> <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
> <wsdl:input name="sayHelloRequest1">
> <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:something.test" use="encoded"/>
> </wsdl:input>
> <wsdl:output name="sayHelloResponse1">
> <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:something.test" use="encoded"/>
> </wsdl:output>
> </wsdl:operation>
>>>>"Armin" <akiany at> 09/30/05 12:56 am >>>
> Hey everyone,
> I am trying to write a web app. that connects to flickr using SOAP. The
> book 'Dive into python' says I need to have a WSDL file to connect,
> while the only useful soap related url flickr api
> ( provides is the following:
> The SOAP Server Endpoint URL is
> What am I supposed to do here? Help is very much appreciated at this
> point.
> Thanks,
> Armin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: Will python never intend to support private, protected and public?
> From:
> Gregor Horvath <g.horvath at>
> Date:
> Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:31:59 +0200
> To:
> python-list at
> To:
> python-list at
> Paul Rubin wrote:
>> Gregor Horvath <g.horvath at> writes:
>>> Someone has a problem and tweaks a private variable as a workaround.
>> They should have patched the source instead.
> I think they are going to do that. In the meantime our friend has a
> working solution otherwise he would have nothing but broken code today.
>> Believe it or not, not all development environments are that
>> disorganized.
> Martians?
> Examples?
> This has nothing to do with organisation but a lot with natural
> influances and constraints of software development (except really simple
> programs)
> --
> Greg
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> return (PyObject*)myPyType; ...segmentation fault!
> From:
> elho <eh1 at>
> Date:
> Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:50:42 +0200
> To:
> python-list at
> To:
> python-list at
> I called a own python type 'PyType' with a c function and returned it
> into my python programm - there it fault.
> It is said that the object has a NULL-Pointer when I try to debug it?
> Here are the importent snips from my code:
> // == =========================================================
> .
> :
> myNewPyType = PyMyExtention.GetValue ("xxx")
> # printings for testing
> print "...back to python..."
> print "pp\t ...PyMyType.PyMyObject:", type(tySdlXml)
> //===================================================================/
> // == PyMyExtention.c =================================================
> .
> :
> static PyObject* wrap_GetValue (PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
> {
> char* pchXXX;
> if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &pchXXX))
> {
> return 0;
> }
> long llong = CFunktion::CallMe(pchXXX);
> // returning Python-Objekt
> PyObject *pyType = PyMyObject_NewC (llong);
> cout << "cc ..." << ((PyMyType*)pyType)->lAttribute << endl;
> cout << "\t ...proof object-valid pointer?" << (void*)pyType << endl;
> return (PyObject*)pyType;
> }
> .
> :
> //===================================================================/
> // == PyMyExtention.c =================================================
> .
> :
> typedef struct {
> PyObject_HEAD
> long lAttribute;
> } PyMyObject;
> static PyObject* PyMyObject_NewC (long lAttribute)
> {
> PySDLXMLNode *self;
> PySDLXMLNode *type;
> self = new PySDLXMLNode;
> self->lAttribute = lAttribute;
> return (PyObject*)self;
> }
> static PyMethodDef PyMyObject_methods[] = {
> {"PyMyObject_NewC", (PyCFunction)PyMyObject_NewC, METH_NOARGS,
> "Create PyMyObject_NewC from C-Code"},
> {NULL} /* Sentinel */
> };
> :
> static PyTypeObject PySDLXMLNodeType = {
> :
> };
> //===================================================================/
> // ::: output ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> cc ...135603272
> t ...proof object-valid pointer?: 0x8165940
> ...back to python...
> Segmentation fault
> //===================================================================/
> see: It returns to python but over there the object is something
> bad. So what is wrong?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: Self reordering list in Python
> From:
> "zooko" <zooko at>
> Date:
> 30 Sep 2005 02:54:08 -0700
> To:
> python-list at
> To:
> python-list at
> I've implemented such an LRU Cache in Python. My technique was to
> weave a doubly-linked list into the dict, so that it is O(dict) for all
> LRU operations. I benchmarked it against someone's Python-list-based
> implementation from the ActiveState cookbook and noted that on my
> machine the better constant factors of the Python list win out when the
> list is cache contains fewer than about 16000 elements. Of course,
> once you exceed that cross-over point, the asymptotically worse
> behavior of the list-based implementation becomes a big factor. If you
> have more than 16000 or so elements then you really oughtn't use a
> list-based LRU cache.
> I haven't benchmarked it against Evan Podromou's heap implementation
> yet, but obviously inserting and removing things from a heapq heap is
> O(N).
> You can find unit tests and benchmarking tools in the pyutil/test
> directory.
> Regards,
> Zooko
> P.S. I read this list sporadically, so if you want me to read your
> response, please Cc: zooko at Thanks.
Kind regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Elke Hohls
Elke Hohls
delair Air Traffic Systems GmbH
Lilienthalplatz 3
38108 Braunschweig
Tel: +49 (0)531 215 36-210
Fax: +49 (0)531 215 36-19
E-mail: elke.hohls at
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