unusual exponential formatting puzzle
Neal Becker
ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 09:14:04 EDT 2005
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Neal Becker <ndbecker2 at gmail.com> writes:
>> Like a puzzle? I need to interface python output to some strange old
>> program. It wants to see numbers formatted as:
>> e.g.: 0.23456789E01
> Yeah, that was normal with FORTRAN.
>> My solution is to print to a string with the '% 16.9E' format, then
>> parse it with re to pick off the pieces and fix it up. Pretty ugly.
>> Any better ideas?
> That's probably the simplest.
Acutally, I found a good solution using the new decimal module:
def Format(x):
"""Produce strange exponential format with leading 0"""
s = '%.9E' % x
d = decimal.Decimal (s)
(sign, digits, exp) = d.as_tuple()
s = ''
if (sign == 0):
s += ' '
s += '-'
s += '0.'
e = len (digits) + exp
for x in digits:
s += str (x)
s += 'E'
s += '%+03d' % e
return s
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