Struggling with basics

Jason jason at
Sun Sep 25 17:16:05 EDT 2005

Rather than reply to those individuals, just a big "thanks" to those 
that have helped.

It's definitely making sense, the fact that I need to show the 
two-element tuple to show correctly was one of those head-slapping moments.

And Dennis Lee Bieber hit the nail on the head when he mentioned that 
I'd declared the initial scores as strings, yet I was comparing them 
against integers.  I simply removed the single-quotes from the scores 
and everything slotted into place.

Again, I now have the list working, apart from the list is reversed (as 
per Dennis Lee Bieber mentioned).  I'm afraid I don't understand what 
you mean about the DIFF report but I'll investigate further and learn a 
bit more.

Again, thanks for the assistance.

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