Cleaning strings with Regular Expressions
Gary Wilson Jr
gdub at
Thu Sep 8 12:57:38 EDT 2005
sheffdog wrote:
> Using regular expressions, the best I can do so far is using the re.sub
> command but it still takes two lines. Can I do this in one line? Or
> should I be approaching this differently? All I want to end up with is
> the file name "ppbhat.tga".
A regular expression to do what you want:
>>> s = 'setAttr ".ftn" -type "string" /assets/chars/boya/geo/textures/lod1/ppbhat.tga";'
>>> s = re.sub(r".*/(.*\.tga).*", r"\1", s)
>>> s
Is a regular expression the best solution?
That depends on what else you need to do with your data file.
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