improvements for the logging package
Trent Mick
trentm at
Thu Sep 8 13:45:32 EDT 2005
[skip at wrote]
> Trent> I thought PEP 8 said camelCase (or whatever it is called) was
> Trent> okay?
> Hmmm... In the section entitled "Naming Conventions" I see:
> Function Names
> Function names should be lowercase, possibly with words separated by
> underscores to improve readability. mixedCase is allowed only in
> contexts where that's already the prevailing style (e.g.,
> to retain backwards compatibility.
> Method Names and Instance Variables
> The story is largely the same as with functions: in general, use
> lowercase with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve
> readability.
I swear that has changed since I last read that. :)
...checking... Guess I haven't read it in about 2 years. This patch:
Sat Mar 20 06:42:29 2004 UTC (17 months, 2 weeks ago) by kbk
Patch 919256
Clarify and standardize the format for names of modules,
functions, methods, and instance variables.
Consistent, I hope, with discussion on python-dev
Made this change:
Function Names
- Plain functions exported by a module can either use the CapWords
- style or lowercase (or lower_case_with_underscores). There is
- no strong preference, but it seems that the CapWords style is
- used for functions that provide major functionality
- (e.g. nstools.WorldOpen()), while lowercase is used more for
- "utility" functions (e.g. pathhack.kos_root()).
+ Function names should be lowercase, possibly with underscores to
+ improve readability. mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where
+ that's already the prevailing style (e.g., to retain
+ backwards compatibility.
> Since the logging package currently uses mixedCase it would appear it
> shouldn't revert to lower_case. I'm thinking it should have probably used
> lower_case from the start though. I see no real reason to have maintained
> compatibility with log4j. Similarly, I think PyUnit (aka unittest) should
> probably have used lower_case method/function names. After all, someone
> went to the trouble of PEP-8-ing the module name when PyUnit got sucked into
> the core. Why not the internals as well?
Perhaps because of the timing.
> If I remember
> correctly, it was more-or-less written for inclusion in the core.
Yah. It was added before Guido more clearly stated that he thought
modules should have a successful life outside the core before being
accepted in the stdlib.
Trent Mick
TrentM at
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