Finding where to store application data portably

Ron Adam rrr at
Thu Sep 22 14:18:54 EDT 2005

Tony Houghton wrote:

>  > This works on Win XP.  Not sure if it will work on Linux.
>  >
>  > import os
>  >
>  > parent = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.sys.argv[0]))[0]
>  > file = parent + os.sep + '.bombz'
> Ooh, no, I don't want saved data to go in the installation directory. In
> general that practice encourages people to run with Admin access, and
> it's about time Windows users were discouraged from that.

Yes, it occurred to me you didn't want to do that after I posted.

Looks like maybe the correct place would be as you suggested, but maybe 
doing it this way would be better.

import os
user = os.path.join( os.environ["USERPROFILE"],
                      'Application Data',
                      'Bombz' )


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