Organising a python project

bruno modulix onurb at xiludom.gro
Tue Sep 20 04:24:18 EDT 2005

baoilleach at wrote:
> Dear all,
> Can anyone point me to a resource that describes the best way of
> organising a python project? My project ( is based
> around a class, and has a GUI that allows 'easy-access' to the methods
> of the class. 

Err... Unless it's a *very* simple project, having the project based on
a *single* class smells of GodClassAntipattern (I can't say for sure
without seeing the source of course, so this is most a a priori than a
judgement !-).

> What is the best or typical directory structure that
> allows the easy creation of binary packages

'binary packages' ?

> for linux and windows,
> source distributions, etc.
> Rather than make up my own way, I'd prefer to know if there is a
> typical python way...

Usually, a program project is made of one or more library modules,
eventually organized in packages, and a 'main' script that's the entry
point for the program [1]. Most Python projects being OSS, you can
examine existing projects.

[1] Note that this not Python specific. You'll find the same overall
organisation in C, C++, Java, etc...

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in 'onurb at xiludom.gro'.split('@')])"

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