Simple Dialogs

Grant Edwards grante at
Mon Sep 26 12:55:24 EDT 2005

On 2005-09-26, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:

>>>>from tkMessageBox import showerror
>>>>showerror('Problem','Program Crashed before Starting')
>>>Here's a faster method, though not cross-platform:
>>>import ctypes
>>>ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA(0, "Hello World", "Title", 0x00)
>> Another easy way to do a dialog box:
>> import os
>> os.system('Xdialog --msgbox "Hello World" 0 0')
> Doesn't seem to work on my Winodws system at all ;-)

Odd. You don't have a full compliment of the usual GTK apps

I probably should have mentioned that Xdialog is a GTK+ app and
it needs to be installed and working on your platform.

In thoery, you could get it to work under Windows, but the last
time I checked, the Windows port of GTK+ was still a bit "beta".

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  What PROGRAM are
                                  at               they watching?

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