Regular Expressions

Peter Hansen peter at
Wed Apr 12 15:30:41 EDT 2006

david brochu jr wrote:
> I am trying to grab the following string out of a text file using 
> regular expression (re module):

Why do you have to use a regular expression?

> "DcaVer"=dword:00000640

Is all your other input pretty much identical in form?  Specifically, 
the number of interest is the last thing on the line, and always 
preceded by a colon?

> What I need to do with that string is trim down " "DcaVer"=dword:" and 
> convert the remaining number from hex to dec.

What does "trim down" mean?  Do you need something out of the string, or 
are you just discarding/ignoring it?

> I have been trying to figure this out for a while..I am fairly new so 
> please any help would be greatly appreciated.

s = '"DcaVer"=dword:00000640'
value = int(s.split(':')[-1], 16)

(In other words, split on colons, take the last field and, treating it 
as a hex value, convert to an integer.)


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