passing string from one file to another
neurogasm at
Mon Apr 17 01:23:14 EDT 2006
I V wrote:
> Kun wrote:
>> This works fine but instead of typing in a 'body', i would like the
>> initial python program to just send a string as the body of the email.
>> now normally i'd just set the msg in the file equal to the
>> string, however, i do not know how to link a string from another python
>> file to the file.
> Where does get the body from at the moment? And how are you
> invoking The obvious would be to import and call a
> function in it; then, you would just need to change the string you pass
> to the function. But presumably that's not how you've got it set up or
> you wouldn't be asking the question. If you can explain a bit more how
> your program works that would be helpful, maybe post an exerpt of the
> code that shows where gets invoked from the main program, and
> the bit of that accesses the body that gets sent.
mail currently gets the body from an input box.
this is where gets invoked:
<h1>Email Results</h1>
<TR><TD>SMTP Server:</TD>
<TD><input type="text" name="SMTP Server"
value="" size=20>
<TD><input type="text" name="Username" size=20>
<TD><input type="password" name="Password" size=20>
<TD><input type="text" name="From" size=20>
<TD><input type="text" name="To" size=20>
<TD><input type="text" name="Subject" size=20>
<TD><TEXTAREA wrap="virtual" name="Message" cols=40 rows=5>
<TR><TD></TD><TD><input type="submit" value="Submit"><input type="reset">
this is
#!/usr/bin/env python
import cgi
import smtplib
import os
import sys
import urllib
import re
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
print "Content-type: text/html\n"
form = cgi.FieldStorage() #Initializes the form dictionary to take data
from html form
key = [ 'SMTP Server', 'Username', 'Password', 'From', 'To', 'Subject',
'Message' ]
def get(form, key):
if form.has_key(key):
return form[key].value
return ""
if get(form, "SMTP Server") or get(form, "Username") or get(form,
"Password") or get(form, "From") or get(form, "To") or get(form,
"Subject") or get(form, "Message"):
print ''
print 'Error: You did not enter any Email parameters'
print '<br>'
print '<a
raise ValueError("nothing entered")
##mail = open('mail.txt','rb')
##msg = MIMEText(
msg = MIMEText(form['Message'].value) #mime text is a method that takes
in a text variable and creates a dictionary whose contects are
inatialized according to the text.
##print MIMEText(form['Message'].value)
##msg = msg.as_string() + mail
msg['Subject'] = form['Subject'].value
msg['From'] = form['From'].value
msg['To'] = form['To'].value
# Send the message via our own SMTP server, but don't include the
# envelope header.
s = smtplib.SMTP(form['SMTP Server'].value)
s.sendmail(form['From'].value, [form['To'].value], msg.as_string())
print """<HTML><Head><Title>Email Confirmation
Page</Title></Head><br><Body>Your email has been sent.<br></Body></HTML>"""
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