2.5 excitement (was Re: Java Developer Exploring Python)

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Apr 19 10:46:55 EDT 2006

Jon Ribbens wrote:

> "The distributors"? Que?

all the downstream people who work their asses off to provide pre-
built, pre-tested distributions for various platforms.  this includes the
PSF volunteers, commercial actors, and a large crowd of linux/bsd

these days, most end users get their Python either with their OS,
or by downloading a prebuilt installer.

> I guess I just don't get why the inclusion of the pysqlite wrapper
> is so exciting if all it's doing is changing the situation from
> "Python does not come with a DB, but you can install extra software
> to provide one" to "Python does not come with a DB, but you can
> install extra software to provide one".

I assume you stopped reading at "just as they've included zlib, dbm,
tcl/tk, openssl, and many other standard libraries over the years."

sqlite is not exactly Python's first external depency (check the depency
lists for a typical linux distribution if you don't believe me)


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