Difference in Python and Ruby interactive shells
Claudio Grondi
claudio.grondi at freenet.de
Tue Apr 4 10:19:08 EDT 2006
dmh2000 wrote:
> I am experimenting with the interactive interpreter environments of
> Python and Ruby and I ran into what seems to be a fundamental
> difference. However I may be doing something wrong in Python. Please
> comment and correct me if I am wrong
> In both languages, you can start up the interactive interpreter
> ('python' and 'irb'), load source files and do stuff, like create
> objects and call their methods. When you want to change something, you
> can edit those same source files outside the environment and reload
> them from within the interactive environment. But, here is the
> difference: with Python, when you reload the source file (module in
> Python terms), it seems that your existing variables stay bound to the
> implementations from the old version of the module. In Ruby, after a
> reload, your existing variables point to the new implementation. At
> least, that is what happens with classes and their methods. This means
> that in Python, if you have an application built up interactively, with
> references to objects, data structures pointing to objects, etc., you
> would have to reconstruct that application to get the new
> implementation. With Ruby, when you load the new implementation, you
> get it immediately.
I am not fully sure it is what you are speaking about, but I mean, that
you have overlooked, that in the IDLE menu item [Shell] you have the
option to restart the shell what takes you back to the initial state.
It would be interesting to know for me here, if there is in Ruby the
option to keep the old values when starting a new run?
> here is a simple example:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Python interactive shell (python.exe)
> C:\home\dh0072\rq>python
> Python 2.4.2 (#67, Sep 28 2005, 12:41:11) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
> on win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> # load a local file b.py for test
>>>>import b
> # instantiate an object and call a method
>>>>x = b.B()
> B
> # edit b.py offline to change method 'p' to do something different then
> reload
> B
> # binding of variable 'x' IS NOT changed. points to old version
>>>>y = b.B()
> # new instance of 'b' points to new version
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ruby interactive shell (irb.exe)
> C:\home\dh0072\rq>irb
> # load a local file b.py for test
> irb(main):001:0> load "b.rb"
> => true
> # instantiate an object and call a method
> irb(main):002:0> x = B.new
> => #
> irb(main):003:0> x.p
> B
> => nil
> # edit b.py offline to change method 'p' to do something different then
> reload
> irb(main):004:0> load "b.rb"
> => true
> irb(main):005:0> x.p
> => nil
> # binding of variable 'x' IS changed. points to new version
> irb(main):006:0> y = B.new
> => #
> irb(main):007:0> y.p
> => nil
> # new instance of 'b' points to new version
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