PEP 359: The "make" Statement

Rob Williscroft rtw at
Fri Apr 14 12:52:53 EDT 2006

Steven Bethard wrote in news:Pfydnbapx4Bi7qPZnZ2dnUVZ_t-dnZ2d at 
in comp.lang.python:

> Open Issues
> ===========
> Does the ``make`` keyword break too much code?  Originally, the make
> statement used the keyword ``create`` (a suggestion due to Nick
> Coghlan).  However, investigations into the standard library [4]_ and
> Zope+Plone code [5]_ revealed that ``create`` would break a lot more
> code, so ``make`` was adopted as the keyword instead.  However, there
> are still a few instances where ``make`` would break code.  Is there a
> better keyword for the statement?

I don't know wether this has been suggested or not, but 
what about def:

def namespace ns:
  x = 1

def type blah(object):

  def property x:
    def get():
      return ns.x


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