close event handling for ScrollView

mail2sirshendu at mail2sirshendu at
Mon Aug 28 05:17:54 EDT 2006

I have a class in which I have created an instance QScrollView and
added a QDialog inside it using addChild().I have Ok and Cancel button
in the Dialog.When either Ok or Cancel is clicked the Dialog is closed
properly (receiving  accept or reject signals). I have a exec loop on
the Dialog.
When I click the 'X' button on the toolbar of the ScrollView, the
ScrollView is closing but the exec() call on the Dialog is not
terminated and my application hangs.

here is the portion of the code I am taiking about.

self.scrollView = QScrollView()
dialog = QDialog (self, ...., self.scrollView.viewport())

if (dialog.exec() == QDialog.Accepted):

can someone suggest some way to handle this issue..

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