Calling a python script, and getting the returned result in C

John Machin sjmachin at
Wed Aug 16 18:41:30 EDT 2006

Shuaib wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a python script which returns an Integer value. How do I call
> this script from a C programe, and use the result returned?

To avoid confusion and possible irrelevant responses, please say which
of the following options best matches your requirement:

(a) your Python script is capable of being run from the command line,
and "returns" an integer value by calling sys.exit(that_value) -- you
wish to execute the script from a C program [the same way you would
execute a shell script / awk script / ...] and pick up the return value
[which may be limited by the OS to range(0, 128)]

(b) your script is a module, containing a function that returns an
integer. You wish to create an embedded Python interpreter, import
yourmodule, call yourmodule.yourfunc, convert the returned Python int
to a C int, and use it.

(c) none of the above


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