no longer can set breakpoint on 'pass' statement?

Patrick Maupin pmaupin at
Wed Aug 16 23:22:54 EDT 2006

I don't know for sure if this is the issue, but Python _used_ to
include line number information in the actual codestream (via
instructions), and now I think it's a separate table for speed reasons.
 So perhaps the previous ability to set breakpoints on pass
instructions was merely an artifact of code which updated the current
line number.


Mark Winrock wrote:
> Can someone point me to some documentation as to why pdb breakpoints are
> not working on 'pass' statements (at least on 2.4.1)?
> I was used to that working in the 2.2.3 build I was using up to this
> last year. I just cant seem to find anything on it.
> Thanks!

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