Nested function scope problem

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Wed Aug 9 22:55:35 EDT 2006

At Wednesday 9/8/2006 16:15, enigmadude at wrote:

>I agree with the previous comments that this approach is "bad form".
>But if you absolutely *must* modify an enclosing function's variables
>with an inner function, all you need to do is remember that a Python
>function is an object too, so it can be assigned attributes. ;-)
>def outer():
>     outer.x = 1
>     print outer.x
>     def inner():
>         outer.x = 2
>     inner()
>     print outer.x

I see two problems:
- Concurrency: two or more threads executing the same function, 
writing to this "global"
- Can't be used (easily) on methods

On the original question, I would inherit from list:

 >       def addTok():
 >               if len(tok) > 0:
 >                       ls.append(tok)
 >                       tok = ''

class mylist(list)
   def addTok(self, tok):
     if len(tok)>0:
       tok = ''
     return tok

ls = mylist()
and use: tok = ls.addTok(tok) whenever the original code says addTok(tok)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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