How to reverse tuples in a list?

Noah noah at
Tue Aug 8 20:01:11 EDT 2006

I have a list of tuples
    [('a', 1.0), ('b', 2.0), ('c', 3.0)]
I want to reverse the order of the elements inside the tuples.
    [(1.0,'a'), (2.0, 'b'), (3.0, 'c')]

I know I could do this long-form:
    q = []
    y = [('a', 1.0), ('b', 2.0), ('c', 3.0)]
    for i in y:
    y = q

But it seems like there should be a clever way to do this with
a list comprehensions. Problem is I can't see how to apply
reverse() to  each tuple  in the list because reverse() a
list method (not a tuple method) and because it operates
in-place (does not return a value). This kind of wrecks doing
it in a list comprehension. What I'd like to say is something like
    y = [t.reverse() for t in y]
Even if reverse worked on tuples, it wouldn't work inside a
list comprehension.


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