About alternatives to Matlab

Carl Banks pavlovevidence at gmail.com
Mon Dec 4 12:22:00 EST 2006

Jon Harrop wrote:
> >> That's my point, using numpy encouraged the programmer to optimise in the
> >> wrong direction in this case (to use slices instead of element-wise
> >> operations).
> >
> > Ok, I can see that.  We have a sort of JIT compiler, psyco, that works
> > pretty well but I don't think it's as fast for large arrays as a good
> > numpy solution.  But it has more to deal with than a JIT for a
> > statically typed language.
> Ok. Perhaps starting a Python JIT in something like MetaOCaml or Lisp/Scheme
> would be a good student project?

...and finishing would be a good project for a well-funded team of
experienced engineers.

> >> Which begs the question, if you were writing in a compiled language like
> >> F# would you ever use slices?
> >
> > If I was writing in F#?  I absolutely would, because some problems are
> > most cleanly, readably, and maintainably done with slices.  I don't
> > have any speed-lust, and I don't waste time making things fast if they
> > don't need to be.  I would rather spend my time designing and
> > implementing the system, and optimizing things that actually need it.
> > I don't want to spend my time tracking down some stupid indexing error.
> Ok. Can you name some problems that are solved more easily with slices than
> with indexing? I may have just answered my own question by posting some
> really concise pseudocode that uses slices.

D4 transform?

How about addition?

How about the vast majority of cases where slicing is possible?

Occasionally you have cases where slicing would work but be
complicated, but in most cases, wherever slicing is feasible it's
easier, less error-prone, less typing, more readable, more concise,
more maintainable.

> > Will any other F# people do it?  I don't know if they all have
> > speed-lust, or if they'd all deliberately avoid slicing to prove some
> > kind of point about functional programming and/or non-machine-compiled
> > languages, but I assume there'd be some who would do it for the same
> > reasons I'd do it.
> My concern is that slices are being pulled into F# because they are popular
> in languages like Python and Matlab but I've yet to see an example where
> they are actually a good idea (in the context of F#, i.e. a compiled
> language where indexing is as fast or faster).

It's often a good idea where speed isn't crucial because it's easier,
more readable, and more maintainable.  I highly suspect F# and other
languages would still using slicing for many problems for this reason.

OTOH, it's rarely a good idea to always base coding decisions on speed
to the exclusion of all other factors.

> >> What makes numpy convenient?
> >
> > ...it scales up well...
> What do you mean?
> > ...it expresses mathematical concepts straightforwardly...
> It didn't express this mathematical concept very straightforwardly.

I thought it did.  One must know about the shared data nuances and the
slicing syntax.  Given that, the numpy way closely mimicked the way
mathematical formulas look.  Put it this way: which one of these two
(numpy with slicing, Ocaml with indexing) would it be easer to reverse
engineer a mathematical formula out of?  I'd say the numpy version with
slicing, by a long shot.

> > And a lot of the time, you don't have to worry about indexing.
> Right. Ideally you want to factor that out without losing anything. Indeed,
> if you do factor the C++ code you should get back to the underlying
> mathematical definitions. Ideally, you'd want to write those directly and
> have them executed efficiently.

I am almost always happy to factor indexing out *with* losing

> >> > No problem, numpy will be fast enough for my needs.
> >>
> >> Ok. But you'd rather have a compiler?
> >
> > Python *is* compiled, buddy.  It has a VM that runs bytecode.
> I meant a native-code compiler, of course.
> > But, would I rather have a seperate compile to *machine code*, when an
> > automatic compile to VM code is fast enough?
> >
> > Not remotely.  Compilers are a PITA and I avoid them when it's
> > possible.
> I can envisage a JIT Python compiler that would spot statically typed code,
> compile it with no user intervention and then run it. I implemented such a
> thing for Mathematica a few years ago.

You can almost never spot "statically typed" code in Python reliably,
even with a separate compile stage that does a global analysis.  Even
Lisp compilers, which are generally known to be the best compilers out
there for a dynamically-typed language, don't do too well at this
unless you help them out, and Lisp isn't nearly as dynamic as Python.

As for JIT's, the best you could do is hook into a function, checking
the types of its arguments, and cacheing optimized code for the given
type signature.  It's basically what psyco does.  Anything more would
require either help from the programmer or concessions in dynamicity.

> >> Why not drop to C for this one function?
> >
> > Why would I?  The assumptions clearly stated that numpy is fast enough.
> >  Why would I take several hours to write a C extension when I could do
> > it with numpy in about 20 minutes, *and it's fast enough*?
> Is it very difficult to interface Python to other languages efficiently?

No.  It does involve lots of boilerplate.  But even if it didn't, I
wouldn't write an extension, because the numpy solution is cleaner,
more readable, and more maintainable than anything I could write in C
(which is a poor language that's good at being fast and talking to
hardware and nothing else), and it's fast enough.

> > But let me offer you some advice: if you wan't to lure people from
> > Python, speed isn't going to cut it.  Most people who chose Python
> > (and, let's face it, most people who use Python chose it themselves)
> > already knew it was slow, and chose it anyways.  Pythonistas prefer
> > Python because it's clean, readable, well-supported, and practical.
> > Practical might be the sticking point here.  If you were to get a
> > Python prompt, and type "import this", it would print the Zen of
> > Python, a set of principles by which the language is designed.  One of
> > them is "Practicality beats purity."  And let's face it, functional
> > languages are (or seem to be) all about purity.  Notice that there's no
> > Zen that says "Fast is better than slow".  If you want us to swtich to
> > Ocaml, you better figure out how it supports the Zen of Python better
> > than Python does.
> I'm keen on the practical aspect. I intend to take some of the excellent
> Python demos out there and port them to languages like F# in order to
> illustrate how they too can be practical languages.

That's what you say.  But nothing you've done in this whole thread
remotely suggests that "practical" means anything to you other than,
"possible to write faster code in."

Carl Banks

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