Xah's Edu Corner: Introduction to 3D Graphics Programing

Jon Harrop jon at ffconsultancy.com
Sat Dec 23 13:40:15 EST 2006

Xah Lee wrote:
> Introduction to 3D Graphics Programing
> http://xahlee.org/3d/index.html

You will probably find it more rewarding to use a more modern graphics
system, such as OpenGL or DirectX, with a suitable programming language
rather than Mathematica's. I would recommend any of OCaml, F#, Haskell,
Lisp, Scheme, Python or Ruby for graphics, you can do much more
sophisticated, animated, real time visualisations than you can with
Mathematica's primitives.

There are lots of great web pages out there. I've written some 2D and 3D
graphics examples in OCaml:


and more recently F#:


I was very impressed with the tutorial videos on VPython at ShowMeDo:


For an introduction to OpenGL, look no further than the NeHe tutorials at


One of our future products at FF Consultancy is a suite of extensions for
the F# interactive mode that allows you to visualise 2D and 3D graphics in
real time with simplicity rivalling Mathematica but the sophistication and
performance of DirectX, whilst also having the power of the F# programming
language and .NET to analyse your data.

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
Objective CAML for Scientists

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