merits of Lisp vs Python

Paul Boddie paul at
Sun Dec 10 11:15:34 EST 2006

hit_the_lights wrote:

[import side-effects]

> Somehow the meaning of "import" changed between the first
> and the second line. Doesn't it frighten you?
> (BTW: Do you know how that works, or should a Lisper show
> you?)

Given that the meaning of import doesn't need to have changed to bring
out the described consequences, I guess anyone wanting to know more
won't be asking you specifically.

> It seems that Phytonistas, including Guido, don't trust each
> other. Guido always provides half assed restrictive solutions
> instead of decent meta programming. Examples include "lambda",
> the new "with" syntax and decorators.

Actually there are people in the Python community who don't really
approve of stuff like "with", the removal of "lambda" and the lack of
macros, "programmable syntax", and so on. But that's probably not
apparent to those who paint every picture with broad strokes.


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