Help with weave.blitz()
fsenkel at
Mon Dec 11 11:13:28 EST 2006
I'm a new scipy user, and I'm trying to speed up some array code with
weave. I'm running xp with gcc from cgywin, and scipy.weave.test()
returns an OK status.
I'm trying to speed up the code below. I've found a couple of examples
of weave on the web, and I think it should be straight forward, but I
keep getting the following error when calling weave.blitz(expr). It's
complaining about the variable being assigned, I've tried listing it in
the blitz call with no luck.
Any help is appreciated.
PS I've also posted to
Thank you,
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/Documents/Homework/MTMG310/Project/",
line 436, in -toplevel-
File "C:\Python24\Lib\hotshot\", line 76, in runcall
return self._prof.runcall(func, args, kw)
File "D:/Documents/Homework/MTMG310/Project/",
line 383, in main
File "D:/Documents/Homework/MTMG310/Project/",
line 136, in findw
File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\scipy\weave\", line
35, in blitz
if check_size and not
File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\scipy\weave\", line
51, in check_expr
File "<string>", line 1
wnext[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] =( alpha * w[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] + ax *
(w[1:grows-1,0:gcols-2] + w[1:grows-1,2:gcols]) +
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
def findw(wnext,wprior,phiprior,uprior,vprior):
#format here is x[i,j] where i's are rows, j's columns, use flipud()
to get the
#print out consistent with the spacial up-down directions
#assign local names that are more
#inline with the class notation
w = wprior
phi = phiprior
u = uprior
v = vprior
#three of the BC are known so just set them
#symetry plane
wnext[0,0:gcols] = 0.0
#upper wall
wnext[gN,0:gcols] = 2.0/gdy**2 * (phi[gN,0:gcols] -
#inlet, off the walls
wnext[1:grows-1,0] = 0.0
upos = where(u>0)
vpos = where(v>0)
Sx = ones_like(u)
Sx[upos] = 0.0
xSx = 1.0 - Sx
Sy = ones_like(v)
Sy[vpos] = 0.0
ySy = 1.0 - Sy
uw = u*w
vw = v*w
ax = gnu*gdt/gdx**2
ay = gnu*gdt/gdy**2
dtdx = gdt/gdx
dtdy = gdt/gdy
alpha = (1.0 - 2.0*ax - 2.0*ay)
#interior nodes
expr = """ \
wnext[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] =( alpha * w[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] + ax *
(w[1:grows-1,0:gcols-2] + w[1:grows-1,2:gcols]) +
ay * (w[0:grows-2,1:gcols-1] +
w[2:grows,1:gcols-1]) -
dtdx * (xSx[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] *
(uw[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] - uw[1:grows-1,0:gcols-2]) -
Sx[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] *
(uw[1:grows-1,2:gcols] - uw[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1])) -
dtdy * (ySy[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] *
(vw[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] - vw[1:grows-1,0:gcols-2]) -
Sy[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1] *
(vw[1:grows-1,2:gcols] - vw[1:grows-1,1:gcols-1])) )
## for j in range(1,gasizej-1):
## for i in range(1,gasizei-1):
## wnext[i,j] =( w[i,j] + gnu*gdt/gdx**2 * (w[i,j-1] -
2.0*w[i,j] + w[i,j+1]) +
## gnu*gdt/gdy**2 * (w[i-1,j] - 2.0*w[i,j] +
w[i+1,j]) -
## (1.0 - Sx[i,j]) * gdt/gdx * (uw[i,j] -
uw[i,j-1]) -
## Sx[i,j] * gdt/gdx * (uw[i,j+1] - uw[i,j]) -
## (1.0 - Sy[i,j]) * gdt/gdy * (vw[i,j] -
vw[i-1,j]) -
## Sy[i,j] * gdt/gdy * (vw[i+1,j] - vw[i,j]) )
## print "***wnext****"
## print "i: ", i, "j: ", j, "wnext[i,j]: ", wnext[i,j]
#final BC at outlet, off walls
wnext[1:grows-1,gM] = wnext[1:grows-1,gM-1]
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