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Thomas Ploch
thomas.ploch at
Fri Dec 1 12:47:51 EST 2006
Amir Michail schrieb:
> krishnakant Mane wrote:
>> just used the py dev plugin for eclipse.
>> it is great.
> But isn't support for java better because the eclipse ide can take
> advantage of explicit type declarations (e.g., for intellisense,
> refactoring, etc.)?
> Amir
Obviously, since eclipse _is_ a full blown Java application, so support
for Java is excellent. It was actually developed for being a Java IDE
but (as far as I know) people were liking it so much, so they decided to
make it expandable (and PyDev is actually a good thing, it supports
PyLint and PyChecker, manages the python path when new modules are
added, but can be improved (as can everything :-) )). But as I said, often my system hangs when having quite a few
files opened, so that brought me off using it too often.
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