Question concerning this list

Thomas Ploch Thomas.Ploch at
Sat Dec 30 20:03:34 EST 2006

Hello fellow pythonists,

I have a question concerning posting code on this list.

I want to post source code of a module, which is a homework for
university (yes yes, I know, please read on...).

It is a web crawler (which I will *never* let out into the wide world)
which uses regular expressions (and yes, I know, thats not good, too). I
have finished it (as far as I can), but since I need a good mark to
actually finish the course, I am wondering if I can post the code, and I
am wondering if anyone of you can review it and give me possible hints
on how to improve things.

So is this O.K.? Or is this a blatantly idiotic idea?

I hope I am not the idiot of the month right now...

Thanks in advance,


I might give some of my Christmas chocolate away as a donation to this
list... :-)

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