Roundtrip SQL data especially datetime

Hertha Steck nulla.epistola at
Sun Dec 17 07:48:31 EST 2006

Am Sat, 16 Dec 2006 16:31:18 -0500 schrieb Carsten Haese:

> This may come as a shock to you, but MySQL is not the only database
> engine on the planet. Your recommendation may apply to MySQL, but it is
> not true for all databases in general. I can name at least two examples
> (Informix and Oracle) of database engines that are supported under
> Python 2.5, and if I were less lazy I could probably find more.

Interbase / Firebird:

All you need, Windows binaries, .src.tar.gz for Python 2.3 - 2.5, Firebird
1.0 - 2.0.

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