merits of Lisp vs Python

Ken Tilton kentilton at
Thu Dec 21 01:24:57 EST 2006

JShrager at wrote:
> Come on; you guys can't just leave this at 999 posts!

Funny you should whine, i was just getting ready to sign off with:

I noticed while singing the praises of auto-indentation that there was a 
shortcoming in The Greatest Feature Known to Editing source code, which 
is the ability to copy an arbitrary block of code (say, a case statement 
in the else branch of an if statement in a loop) with a single 
control-click of the mouse, viz, that I still had to reindent if it was 
a multiline statement. The first line of course landed exactly where I 
clicked so that was fine, but other lines in the block were retaining 
the indentation extant at the time of the click.

A few glasses of...<cough> a few hours ago I dashed off an RFE to Franz 
tech support apologizing for a trivial matter but wondering if it might 
not be just a line or two, and lawdy-it-must-be-xmas a glass later back 
came a patch I am just wallowing in.

interestingly, the techie happens not to have been a user of 
control-click, probably a hardcore keyboard guy who never touches the 
mouse. I started programming GUIs on a Mac 512, didn't /have/ a keyboard.***

And now the punch line: spare me the "oh gosh reindentation is so easy" 
dodge. So is a manual control-shift-p to auto-reindent after an ungainly 
paste, but this is definitely one of those deals where we don't notice 
until we stop hitting ourselves with that hammer.



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