rdf, xmp
Imbaud Pierre
pierre.imbaud at laposte.net
Sat Dec 2 05:23:26 EST 2006
I have to add access to some XMP data to an existing python
XMP is built on RDF, RDF is built on XML.
I try to reuse as much of possible of existing code.
btw, dont mistake XMP (http://www.adobe.com/products/xmp/) with
XMPP (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3920.html), backed by PyXMPP
(http://pyxmpp.jajcus.net/). XMP is adobe's standard for storing
metadata in files (jpg, pdf).
Are there people with the same concern out there?
It seemed logical to use existing rdf libraries. I found two, RDFLib
(http://rdflib.net) and pyrple (http://infomesh.net/pyrple/).
My first contact with RDFLib is disappointing: real intricate lib
(lot of modules, lot of methods), almost no documentation (an almost
empty Epydoc generated documentation frame), puzzling experiments.
I guess XMP uses a real tiny subset of RDF possibilities, and maybe
RDFLib is fine for ambitious design, but too heavy in this case?
Ill now dig a little on pyrple.
Feedback on these matters, please?
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