projects: dead?
Terry Reedy
tjreedy at
Fri Dec 22 19:59:32 EST 2006
<skip at> wrote in message
news:17804.1286.968392.741913 at
| Terry> To me, this is a bit too much 'blame the victim'. The fault
| Terry> with spammers who are willing to exploit to destruction
| Terry> they did not build. The rest of us are still learning how to
| Terry> live with the reality of their existence.
| I'm sure there's plenty of blame to go around.
To repeat, I place all blame, in any perjoritive sense, on the amoral
insectoids who violate the basic behavioral norms of restraint that make
civil life possible. Blurring the difference between perpetrators and
victims only helps perpetrators.
To me, it is like this. We go to a restaurant and sit down together to eat
and discuss Python. Some jerk walks in, sits down at our table, and starts
shoving handbills in our faces while shouting sales pitches at us. Who is
to blame for the disruption?
| Maybe the Trac authors should take their share for setting a default
| that leaves it open to spammers.
Just about every restaurant, store, church, school, park, and so on I have
been to has been open to spammers along with legitimate attendees.
The Trac authors are among the spammers' victims. I agree that it might be
wise for them to notice the cretinoids and adjust accordingly. But they
are not to blame for the need to do so.
Terry Jan Reedy
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