Parsing data from pyserial, an (inefficient) solution

Grant Edwards grante at
Mon Dec 4 10:49:51 EST 2006

On 2006-12-04, Giovanni Bajo <noway at> wrote:


>> This should result in complete packets (from the "M" to a "\r") 
> Oh well. readline(eol="\r") will do that much better.

Yup.  Using readline() has been suggested several times.  It
sure seems like the obvious solution to me as well.

> while 1:
>      data = ser.readline(eol="\r")
>      args = data.split()
>      if args[0] == "M":
>         # command M; do something with args[1:]
>      elif args[0] == "KK":
>         # command KK; do something with args[1:]
>      [.. process other commands ..]
>      else:
>         # Invalid command: might be an incomplete
>         # packet. Just ignore it.
>         pass

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Hmmm... A hash-singer
                                  at               and a cross-eyed guy were
                                 SLEEPING on a deserted
                                                   island, when...

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